Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dentistry in Washington Township, NJ

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Cosmetic Dentistry services offered in Washington Township, NJ

If you have imperfect teeth and desire a beautiful smile, simple cosmetic solutions are available at The Aesthetic Room in Turnersville, New Jersey. Highly trained cosmetic dentist Ashley Damore, DMD, and her superior team offers advanced cosmetic dentistry options to restore your gorgeous smile and help you gain confidence. Call the office to learn more about your options or use the online booking feature today.

About Cosmetic Dentistry

What is cosmetic dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry at The Aesthetic Room uses an array of treatments to enhance the appearance of your teeth and smile. They can improve the look of teeth that are chipped, cracked, stained, weak, too small, crooked, or even missing. 

The Aesthetic Room team has many years of experience completing cosmetic dentistry procedures using advanced, cutting-edge technology to ensure superior results.


What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?

The benefits you can experience by choosing cosmetic dentistry at The Aesthetic Room include teeth that are:

  • Whiter
  • Straighter
  • Even-shaped
  • Stronger
  • Aesthetically pleasing

Cosmetic dentistry offers you the chance to achieve the gorgeous smile of your dreams with minimal to no downtime.


Which cosmetic dentistry options are right for me?

To find out which cosmetic dental solutions best suit your needs, The Aesthetic Room team reviews your medical and oral health histories, examines your teeth and gums, takes dental X-rays if needed, and discusses your desired results. They tailor a treatment to match your beauty goals.


Which cosmetic dentistry services are available?

The advanced cosmetic dentistry options available at The Aesthetic Room include:


Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening uses advanced whitening gel, dental trays, and LED lights to make your teeth multiple shades whiter after just a single treatment session.



Invisalign uses clear aligners to move crooked teeth into their ideal alignment over time without wires or brackets.


Dental bonding

During dental bonding, your provider uses white, tooth-colored materials to perfect the look and feel of imperfect natural teeth.



Veneers are tooth-like shells that The Aesthetic Room team bonds to the sides and front of your natural teeth to improve the way they look, feel, and function.



Crowns are caps that fit over the top of natural teeth or are attached to dental implants. They can replace missing permanent teeth or strengthen and improve the appearance of existing natural teeth.



Dental bridges contain multiple artificial teeth that replace missing permanent teeth. They consist of two crowns with an artificial tooth bonded in between or multiple implant-supported crowns attached to each other.


Dental implants

Dental implants replace missing permanent teeth using artificial metal tooth roots and crowns, bridges, or dentures that look and function like natural teeth.


All-On-4 Dental Implants

The All-On-4 dental implant procedure replaces a whole arch or both arches of missing and failing teeth. On the day of surgery, all remaining teeth are extracted, and 4-6 implants are placed. 

To learn more about cosmetic dentistry at The Aesthetic Room, schedule an appointment by phone or online today.